Spring Race Series Dates
29MAR25 Day 1
05APR25 Day 2
19APR25 Day 3
03MAY25 Make-up
Want to get involved? Give us a call or email on the below contact information below!
The Lake Belton Yacht Club (LBYC) is located on beautiful Lake Belton at Franks Marina in Belton, Texas (between Temple and Killeen). Founded in 1974 to promote the sport of sailing in Central Texas, LBYC has become a landmark for yacht racing and community sailing programs in Central Texas as well as the Southwestern region of the US. Whether you are brand new to sailing or have extensive experience, LBYC offers organized competition for all ages. Activities are organized year round, with racing, cruising, socials, and training.
We are currently working with youth and area colleges that are interested in developing a sailing program that would use the LBYC as a resource. We are always interested in expanding our youth programs.
How to contact LBYC
Visit our Facebook page here.
Our phone number is (254) 300-7727.
Email us at lakebeltonyachtclub@gmail.com.
Our mailing address is 3244 Lake Park Road Belton, TX 76513.